Why work for local Government in Essex?

What has it got to offer me?

Well, let’s start with the geography. No other county will have as much going on over the next 15-20 years. There’s the work around the Olympics, dealing with the issues generated by Stanstead airport and its expansion, the regeneration of South Essex as part of the national initiative that is Thames Gateway, the development of Shellhaven as a world port, and the regeneration of North East Essex under the Haven Gateway initiative, with a new port at Bathgate Bay. However you look at it, Local Government will play a key role in all these – thus you have the opportunity to get involved, help shape the future of Essex, and respond to the challenges being posed.

And that is just part of the picture – how is local government going to continue to deliver on the environmental agenda, respond to changes in the population and the service challenges that result – in terms of the elderly, young people, promoting healthier lifestyles and helping to ensure that Essex remains one of the safest counties in England?

No matter who you are, what your interests are – Local Government in Essex can provide you with a wealth of opportunities.


In terms of career opportunities, local government really is difficult to match. The variety on offer embraces an incredible range of disciplines, below is just a brief snapshot of some of the key areas:

  • Accountancy & Finance
  • Administration
  • Asset Management
  • Architecture
  • Audit
  • Building & Construction
  • Education Services
  • Environmental Health
  • Environmental Protection & Services
  • Facilities Maintenance
  • Highways
  • Housing
  • Human Resources
  • IT
  • Legal Services
  • Marketing
  • Planning & Licensing
  • Policy Development and Review
  • Trading Standards
  • Social Care
  • Surveying
  • Teaching
  • Transport Services
  • Waste Management


Basildon District Council

We currently recruit a total of 11 Modern Apprentices (MA) every two years: 6 customer service based, 4 operations based and 1 in the housing department. The next recruitment drive will begin summer 2007. To fill any potential vacancies that may arise, MA posts could become available in summer of 2008 to bring the number back up to 11. In the final 6 months of your two year contract, we’ll give you bags of support, advice and interview training to help you secure a permanent role with us. To be eligible you’ll need to be a school or college leaver between the ages of 16-24 with GCSE English and Maths at grades A to C (or equivalent).

Tendring District Council

Career Track – Work Based Learning Programme

Here at Career Track – a department within Human Resources and Customer Services – we’ve provided innovative work based learning opportunities to young people since 1983. We work closely with employers in the Tendring and Colchester area and half of our learners are employed within the Council. During our last Adult Learning Inspection, Career Track was rated as one of the top 50 work based learning providers in the Country – the only District Council to be mentioned.

Join us and we’ll provide you with a superb opportunity to experience your new career first hand by working with a company in the real world whilst still benefiting from all of the support, advise and guidance that you need. Apprenticeship opportunities are available at level 2 and 3 in all service areas within the authority. Contracts are offered for the duration of the programme, which is normally 12 months for a level 2 qualification. Everyone who completes the apprenticeship programme within the Council obtains full time employment either within the authority or with an external employer. There are no minimum requirements to join the scheme, although a good standard of numeracy and literacy is expected.

Uttlesford District Council

We have a small but highly supportive work-based trainee scheme, with normally just one or two traineeships running at any given time (currently these include plumbing and Carpentry). The training takes approximately 2 years and aims to give you all of the practical experience that you’re looking for, coupled with an NVQ 2 at the end of it all. Contact us to find out more about our current opportunities.

Epping Forest District Council

Our current trainee posts include Building Control Surveyor, Planner, Countrycare, Environmental Health Officer and Business Analyst. We’ll back your development every step of the way with a structured programme that’s designed to give your career with us the perfect start.

Harlow Council

Some jobs within Harlow Council are designated for Modern Apprentices. This allows school or college leavers, who traditionally have little or no work experience, to gain meaningful employment and work experience within a department of the Council. At any time that a non MA position becomes vacant, the line manager can request from CMT that the vacancy becomes converted to a Modern Apprenticeship position.

The Modern Apprenticeship scheme works in the following way:

  • School or college leavers aged 16 – 24 are eligible to apply
  • They must achieve 4 GCSEs including English and Maths at grades A to C
  • The position is for a 2 year fixed term contract
  • There is no guarantee of a permanent job at the end of the contract
  • The candidate is able to apply for a permanent job within the Council within 6 months of the end of their contract
  • During the 2 years employment, they are guaranteed training in a relevant NVQ e.g. Business Administration or Customer Service Level 2. They are expected to complete the NVQ within the 2 years.
  • The cost of the training is met by government funding.
  • The training requires day release one day a week and some on-site observation.
  • At the end of the 2 years, the Modern Apprentice leaves the Council (if they haven’t secured another job) and the job is advertised again for another school / college leaver.
  • The starting salary is the bottom of Grade 1, SCP 1.

We currently employ

5 Modern Apprentices:

2 Administrators in Human Resources
1 Administrator in Operations
2 Trainee Heating Technicians in Operations

Other jobs may become available in the future.


The National Graduate Development Programme

As part of the government’s initiatives to improve capacity and modernise the sector, the Employers’ Organisation for local government has created, developed and now manages the national graduate development programme (the ngdp). The programme (which reached 33 in The Times Top 100 Graduate Employers list) provides an excellent opportunity for graduates to develop their management skills in a challenging and demanding environment.

If you would like to find out more about the NGDP please visit www.ngdp.co.uk


We recruit two National Management Trainees (NMTs) from the National Graduate Development Programme every year. Graduate’s placements are project based and provide the opportunity to gain frontline, support and strategic experience within their two year fixed term contract. NMTs also study for a Post Graduate Diploma in Local Government Management at Warwick University.

Chelmsford Borough Council

We accept one candidate each year on a two-year fixed term contract. During this time we support them through a range of different placements especially designed to suit both the needs and aspirations of the authority and the individual. Our aim is to provide the Graduate with a comprehensive understanding of all council activities and establish them as a valued member of the team.

Essex County Council

Essex is one of the UK’s largest councils with over 39,000 employees and an annual budget of £1.4 billion. Which means that, when it comes to a career in local government, few other authorities can match the sheer range of opportunities that we offer.

Our 3-year Management Trainee Scheme is designed to equip you with all of the skills you need for a senior leadership role with us. Divided into five distinct placements (4 x 6 months and 1 x 12 months) you’ll have the chance to contribute to strategic projects and initiatives throughout and, in your final year, we’ll provide comprehensive career planning support to ensure that your newly acquired skills find the best possible outlet. On top of a minimum 2:1 degree you’ll also be willing to attend an assessment centre and deliver a brief presentation.

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